The Start Menu in Windows 8 is the modern looking arrangement of tiles of different sizes, each representing a program on your machine, which you can click to launch that program. You can actually change the layout of these tiles so the most useful ones are easy to get to.
The Windows 8 Start menu replaces the smaller menu you would see when you clicked the Windows button. Microsoft designed this as the main starting point for anything you need to do on your computer. To access the Start menu, press the Windows key on your keyboard or press the Windows icon in the bottom left hand corner, which will be visible only if you have Windows 8.1 installed.

The first step is to remove any tiles you don’t need by right clicking the tile and selecting “Unpin from Start”.

Now you can add extra tiles for the programs you use most. Click on the down arrow in the bottom left hand corner to see a list of all the installed programs. Right click the program you want to display as a tile and select “Pin to Start”

You can now resize the tiles, so the ones you use the most are the largest, and the less important ones are smaller. Right click the tile and select “Resize” and then choose one of the sizes available.

If you need to change the location of a tile, click on it and hold the mouse button down to drag the tile into its new location.

By default the tiles are organized into groups. If you want to add a title to a group, right click a blank area of the Start Menu and select “Name Groups”. Empty titles will appear above each group. Type in a name for all or some of the groups and then click on a blank area of the Start Menu to exit edit mode.

You can even change the look of the Start Menu. Press the Windows key and type “Background”. Click on “Change the background and colours for Start” and a menu will open allowing you to select a different image as well as set the colours for your Start Menu.