It’s a great idea to have things on hand ready for the kids or grandkids to do when they have some free time. If you want to entertain children doing something other than playing on the computer there are a many websites that provide printable worksheets, colouring sheets and even instructions for making crafts.
These can be simply fun activities or you might choose those which will reinforce their school learning or to support their special interests.
To help you, we have found some good sites for you. Each site offers a range of resources for you to choose from, here is what we recommend:

The quirkily named TwistyNoodle website at http://twistynoodle.com/ is a great source for colouring pages. One thing we like about many of these is that they involve counting or handwriting as well as colouring. You can customize the Handwriting sheets before printing them by adding custom text in different fonts.

The American Girl Magazine website at www.americangirl.com/play/magazine/ is a great site for young girls. We particularly like the stitching fun videos from the January/February 2015 issue that introduce common embroidery stitches.

Free Kids Crafts at www.freekidscrafts.com is, as its name suggests, all about kids and making things. The projects here have good instructions, pleasing design aesthetics and are suitable for all ages. Many have printable instructions and if they don’t, just press Control + P and print the entire page for reference.

At Activity Village www.activityvillage.co.uk/printables-list are thousands of free printables grouped by type. You will find everything from paper dolls to reward charts and from times table practice sheets to printable finger puppets. There are plenty of seasonal and regional projects too.

ZiggityZoom at www.ziggityzoom.com has a wealth of resources. Check out the Crafts area for things to make with resources you probably have around the house. The Food area has fun recipes that kids can make or help to make and there are good learning tools in the Home Schooling area.

At Activity Village www.activityvillage.co.uk/printables-list are thousands of free printables grouped by type. You will find everything from paper dolls to reward charts and from times table practice sheets to printable finger puppets. There are plenty of seasonal and regional projects too.